Friday, December 30, 2011

The {J} Family!

Second times a charm! Originally the {J} family had scheduled a Christmas family photo shoot but the rain messed up our plans and we had to wait until after all the Christmas festivities died down to get in this shoot. I'm so glad we were able to fit this in because I really enjoyed getting to know this family.  Two photogenic and active boys, a beautiful mom, and a caring and involved dad...could a family photographer ask for anything more?


These boys were just too adorable! I loved how baby brother kept mimicking everything his older brother was doing! It reminded me of the two little ones running (and crawling) around my house.


Mom brought along cars for the boys to play with during the shoot, and they loved creating car crashes down all these stairs!


My favorite pic of the day comes from the beginning of the shoot when big brother wanted nothing to do with the camera. Sometimes these moments make the best shots, don't you think?


1 comment:

  1. Yvette you are so amazing! These pictures are incredible!!! My friend T can't say she looks bad in ANY of these shots and those boys just adorable, handsome like their daddy:) Love! Love! Love!
