Monday, January 2, 2012

I hate to brag but...

I've got one adorable niece!

Meet baby {H}, my lovely, tiny, super sweet and cuddly, five-day-old niece! I was so excited to get to photograph this darling that I could hardly stand it! I guess baby {H} was excited too, because she did not want to sleep (aka. pose) for this shoot. Nearly all the shots from this post took place in about thirty minutes, and we spent the other hour and a half trying to coax her into sleep. Oh well, it was wonderful talking with her mom and staring at her during the meantime.



Can you tell I like her a little? We're so excited you're finally here sweet girl! Your cousins are ready to show you the ropes! :)


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Our new little niece is ADORABLE!!!!! We're going up there in a couple of weeks and I can't wait! These pictures are great! I was oooo-ing and Ahhhh-ing the whole time! :) My faves are the ones with the brown flowered headband. Brit says her favorite is the last one in the red bucket. So cute!!

  2. Yes! My new little grand-niece IS adorable. Keean loved holding her, and so did I. We must see you guys again before she turns 4 yrs! After all we are less than a mile from you! Hugs! Aunt Dodi
