Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reprioritizing has it's benefits - Tucson Family Photographer

You may (or may not) have noticed that things have been a bit quiet around here lately. There's a reason for that. A few months ago I was in meltdown mode. In reality, my daughter was the one having the meltdown, but I was not far from it. She was having a tantrum and was not wanting to go to bed, and all that I had playing in my mind was "I don't have time for this!" I had several photo shoots to edit, emails to return, calls to make...and, oh yeah, I hadn't spent an evening hanging out with my husband in who knows how long.

At times I'm able to handle the constant screaming (and boy can my daughter belt it out!). When I've allow Him to, God has used these hard times to remind me of His tremendous love for us...even when we're in the midst of acting like a tantrum-prone two year old. At other times He's allowed me the patience to stay calm through the screams and to be able to talk to her about what's going on her heart (rebellion, defying my authority, selfishness) after she's calmed down. But that night I too was having a tantrum, wanting to scream at the top of my lungs, "I just want some time for myself!"

In that moment of desperation God graciously spoke to me. After thinking the words, "I just can't do this" it dawned on me that I really couldn't do it. I had to slow down. I couldn't work endlessly to build my photography business while working as a part-time physical therapist, being in the Reserves, being a pastor's wife, and attempting to be a good mother and wife. I just couldn't do it. (I know at this point you're thinking- no kidding, that's too much for one person to handle-- but I tend to think I'm superwoman at times and sometimes just need to crash and burn before I realize my folly.) I needed to enjoy the precious moments of my kids being little, and I needed to spend time with my wonderful husband. Bottom line- I needed to re prioritize.

So I did it. I re prioritized. I took a month or so completely off from photography (the business side at least...I was still taking way too many pictures of my kids and family :) ). God comes first. My family is next. Work is last.

At first it pained me to do this. I love photography. I'm addicted to photography. So purposefully stepping back from photography and the business I was creating was hard...but in a way really wonderful and freeing. I needed a reminder that I'm not superwoman and that our time on this planet is short. I'm thankful God is gracious in reminding me.

So all of this to say I've decided to only take a few sessions a month to make sure that I'm still able to provide wonderful, full, and gorgeous photos for clients without feeling like I'm taking too much time from my family. I feel lighter and free-er than I have in a long time.

I'm still in love with photography. I'm still addicted to it. But now in a more healthy way.

One of the benefits of re prioritizing and taking some time off was that I was able to take a family vacation with my family. Here are a few pics of my nephew, my brother, and my incredible sister-in-law from our time.