Last night the Christmas spirit struck! I decided I'd like to do an end of the year giveaway to say thank you to all of those who have been such a huge support during the launching of my business either this year. I'd love to call this giveaway a Christmas giveaway, but you probably won't have this in hand before the 25th, so we'll call this an "End of the Year" giveaway. :) Up for grabs is one of my spectacular print packages (one 8x10, two 5x7s, four 4x6s, and eight wallets), a $50 value. I use a top of the line professional printer, so you'll notice a huge difference between my printing and the printing you may do at your local drugstore. You can use the package to print pics from a previous session, a future session (anytime in 2012), or to print digital prints you already own (just send me the files and I'll have them printed).
So how do I enter, you ask? It's simple. Just
"like" BG Photography on facebook and come back here and comment below that you've done so and what pics you'd like to have printed. If you're already a fan, simply leave a comment that you're already a fan. Please include your name and some way I can be a hold of you (if you don't have a google account, please select "name/url" or "anonymous" before trying to comment). The winner will be chosen by on the 23rd of December.
Wanna earn extra entries? Help me spread the word about BG Photography! Please leave one extra comment below each time you do one of the following:
1) Post "I just entered a great giveaway from BG Photography" to your status. Make sure you use the @symbol to link to my page for your entry to count. You can earn one additional entry
per day that you do this.
2) "Share" one of my photography shoots on your fb wall.
3) Subscribe to this blog via the "Email Following" link below.
Legal stuff: This giveaway is in no way sponsored by Facebook. BG Photography reserves the right to
to remove entries with no explanation to those who break the rules or become unpleasant to deal with. If using your own digital files, you must have the copyright or printing release prior to printing. Entries only open to those in the United States.
Thank you all for helping me get BG Photography off and running! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and good luck!