Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Learning to Shoot - Tucson Photographer

I've decided to finally do it! After lots of inquiries about doing a photography 101 class I've decided to hold my first "Learning to Shoot" workshop. This class will be perfect for you if you're a photography newbie or if you love photography but haven't quite grasped the concept of "going manual". We'll be learning about your camera, different modes, lighting, composition, and technique. Here's the details...

And I'm super excited to say that anyone who books their registration before September 1st will receive $20 off their registration, after that the normal class fee of $100 resumes.

I can't wait to see some of you at my first Learning to Shoot class!


  1. Is this just for the big cameras or point and shoots also?

    1. Hi Renessa! You can definitely bring a point-and-shoot to the class (and I know a few people who will be doing that). We'll be going through the different functions of a dslr camera and using them for some of the practical things, but I'll make sure to apply some of the principals to the point and shoot as well. Thanks!
